BRINKLEY BOOKKEEPING RE-Brand + Photography Session

One of my first clients has been around long enough to need a re-design. Investing back into your own business is essentially the best thing you can do for your customers!


Alison Brinkley, owner of Brinkley Bookkeeping, approached me for her branding back in 2014. In order to connect with her customers and to better serve them, she recognized the need for a brand.

Initially, we developed a design for her new business to represent a book opened, along with showcasing her last name, which is how people knew her. This connected what she did with her personal name, offering a relational connection.

Fast-forward to 2024. Alison wanted a branding photo session to present her colleagues, as well as herself, to again connect with her customers. Photos from the branding session can be seen here and were made at a studio in Winston-Salem. These branding sessions were offered to local businesses and individuals who wanted to market themselves through branding photography.

Her new look embraces her feminine side and playful personality. Alison has been able to move away from a logo design that gives a visual understanding of what she does, to a design that doesn’t need a visual explanation of her profession. This worked because she first grew her business with a graphic that she believed in and loved. She was able to build her business through her brand confidence, leading to an increasing customer base that has sustained and grown her business.

By reinvesting into her current business, Alison’s customers can see her strong level of commitment to, serve them.



A few of the initial designs given to Alison for her accounting business, were from her saying “Just do your thing, I trust you.”

OH BOY ~ I love it when they say that.. It just opens up the creative flow and I can work with freedom!

Some of the designs I may have liked more than she did, but that’s what’s great about designing for people. We all have a different perspective and can bring amazing things to the table.

Alison chose the first design I had done… and let me tell you, that happens way more than you think!



 Alison’s currently working on brand application and had a large laser cut wall piece made to of the new brand design in black. It will hang in her conference room and we hope to get a photo of it soon.

She’s passing out her new cards and her front door looks fantastic. In the future, we’ll be developing a website to accompany the exciting new look.

Keep scrolling to see her brand photography 🙂



Branding photography sessions are a great way to tie your personal likeness to your business. This particular session’s details were shared in our posts, called “Letters”.  Be sure to sign up to receive updates on minis by going here. You can visit the studio post announcement here.

Not only will people be able to recognize you when you are commissioned to do a new project or job, but they’ll be be comfortable with you. Think of it like having your photo next to your name in a phone book (for those of you who remember using them), or on your business cards (which is a possibility, of course).

Social media gives us an outlet to share so much information… why not introduce yourself and your team to your customers?

We offer commercial photography and sometimes have mini sessions that are centered around branding development. Booking information can be found here.