An identity was developed from the client’s direction and was placed on tee shirts showing allegiance to the ONE TRUE GOD.

The Armory Logo


What an honor it was to create artwork for a local men’s Bible Study. Every design created, originated through one of the leaders and his direction from a particular scripture.

Men were created to be God’s spiritual leaders of the home and this group emphasizes God’s purpose for man  in each meeting they hold. They possess strength through God’s design for family and promote a healthy Christian life, consisting of marriage between one man and one woman.


T-Shirt Design & Application


Since the idea of the identity of the men’s group was quickly accomplished with direction from the client, the application and design of multiple t-shirts were created for each member of the men’s group.

Standing out in this world for God’s Kingdom is a main goal of most Christians. Men, specifically, are expected to courageously expand His Kingdom through evangelism and encouraging others with support and accountability.

The t-shirts act as an advertisement for other men who don’t know God and are searching for TRUTH.



The Armory meets on Tuesday evenings. 

Find The Armory on instagram here.